Saturday, 8 May 2010

bag of change?

Anyway made the majority of this bag because I was putting off voting. I was so scared that I would be voting and the evil tories that I had heard so much about in the eighties would be coming into power. Instead as I type this no one is leading the country. Gordon who I just want to hug (is that only me) is caretaking it, at school noone respected the caretaker is it the same now?
So I have finished the bag today. By my next blog we will have a new government what it will be I don't know. I just hope that Clegg will realise that Cameron will say anything to be in power and will not stick to all that he claims he made.

1 comment:

  1. So true, we do need change but we are caught in so much red tape, i honestly can't see it. Camron is a yes man, i think many can see that. He jumps on his stand and barks he needs Clegg to hold his lead. We'll watch this space. Nice bag Moz
