Saturday, 16 February 2013

Wrote this one for Oscar RIP blade runner

What pressure it is to be a legend
I’d rather be average
Having people wonder why you said and thought that
Talking about you like you are already dead
That kind of shit must really mess with your head.
So something went wrong that day and everyone says you let them down
But when you did similar behind closed doors before nobody made a sound.

What pressure it is to be a legend
I’d rather sit that promenade out
Sample the joy and lick off some of the cream
But when it comes to accountability I want them to glare at others
Than shake their heads and think their pain was equal to my mothers
 So when you bowed your head and tried to hide away
They wouldn’t let you shelter your face from the public on this darkened day

What pressure it is to be a legend
I’d rather for thy self be proud
Then to be there shaking when the flashes begin
There is no way back for me I would surely have to think
They prodded and skinned me to the very worst brink
So when it comes time for me to speak
I hope that they understand just like them I am just weak.

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