Saturday, 16 February 2013

start of a short story....

Chapter One- The Knowledge

I woke up this morning to find that they know everything

There is nothing else to know

I thought about going to speak to them

But it turns out because they know everything they predicted my journey,

By the time I reached downstairs there was a message stating:
Don’t bother coming and the following answers to the questions I hadn’t yet comprised-

1.       No
2.       There was but there is no longer
3.       There is a way but it would take too long and you are going to die before then
4.       Yes you will see her again but she will appear in another form
5.       12 hours
6.       It does hurt yes
7.       If you were 15 minutes earlier on that day your whole life would have been different as you  always suspected
8.       No you will never find him
9.       No you will never fit in it
1.   Yes you can ask for more questions but there is a price.

At this point I thought two things, firstly that they seem to want to get to the point. Secondly, oh shit now I’m going to have to work out the questions or at least where they are based to see if I had submitted the questions in a fashion that they could be recalled.
Then I noticed what was going to become the 3 must annoying letters of the message-


Well I did as you would-

P.S ( the two most annoying letters of the message)
“Don’t bother coming to find us, we know where you are – OBVIOUSLY

Yeah they managed to end the message on a sarcastic note which if it wasn’t so smugly in italic I would half smiled at, but they knew that didn’t they.

So I waited….

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