Saturday, 13 August 2011


There is little doubt that the shooting in Tottenham was wrong. But it doesnt justify what has happened. Once the ritos spread outside of North East London it became nothing to do with the shooting. It became causing trouble because they could. They knew the police didnt have the man power and use what little sense they could to rally against the law. The most important figures in politics were all away. Effectively no one was in charge of the country. Then when the trickled back the Prime minister stated that the police didnt do a good enough job. The Police should never have been put in that position in the first place. People were left to protect themselves. Eventually those taking part in the riots and looting decided that they could do anything they wanted, steal, burning property, attacking police and members of the public.

It sad that those taking part were so poorly educated that they thought it was ok to target small business' as well large business. Thinking cause someone gets up in the morning to keep their small grocery shop open makes them rich shows their ignorance. Alot of the rioters have watched generations of their families not working and do not understand the social responsibility that comes from getting up in the morning and paying tax.

Many of the looters were caught red handed but still pleaded NOT GUILTY. They fundamentally do not understand that there is anything wrong in what they did. They therefore do not see the point of rules in society or understand the result of not having any rules.

It has been suggested that many people living in social housing may be evicted if found guilty of crimes during the riot. I do wonder what they will do in response to this. Most likely turn into bigger criminals. Maybe it will take something so drastic for society to change.

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