Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Pricey Times

Sorry Andrew but had to...

The Most Boring Text I Have Ever Received....

From Andrew:

The Basic Amazon Kindle will be free next free.

My Response:

Thanks for that life changing information

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Monday, 22 August 2011

Dating website charm....

Ps; This is my mates page nt mine I am 23 black 5ft 7 well built. I am very intrested in you.Iam not wasteing ur time my ex was 35 lol

you are robustly beautiful! I like what I see honestly how are u single? What gravity of attraction you command babe, face, hair, and body such an abundant garden of beauty! You’re profile with your delightful picture has caught my eyes! I like what u have written in your profile simple and well laid out. I certainly like to spend some time with u babe; face, hair, and body such an abundant garden of beauty! It’s a bonus you’re not skinny!
I am looking for a full relationship.
Here is a bit more about me :-)
I understand and do my upmost to incorporate loyalty, honesty, passion, caring, respect and warmth in any relationship I seek. Naturally a forward thinker and well organized individual I have no troubles expressing myself verbally while keeping my looks with a specific workout ratio keeps me physically at top form both physically and mentally with a balanced diet. I work in Security full time. But I get plenty of time to myself. I take pride in my strength knowing it’s there when I need it. I have a passion for food thus cooking has really taken hold of me. Organization is important to me. I am astonished as how someone as beautiful and intellectual as you can be single honestly! I hope u like my pictures; I have even better ones via msn. Holla at me anytime with your msn or simply txt me 07956***** M&M$ xXx

Saturday, 13 August 2011


There is little doubt that the shooting in Tottenham was wrong. But it doesnt justify what has happened. Once the ritos spread outside of North East London it became nothing to do with the shooting. It became causing trouble because they could. They knew the police didnt have the man power and use what little sense they could to rally against the law. The most important figures in politics were all away. Effectively no one was in charge of the country. Then when the trickled back the Prime minister stated that the police didnt do a good enough job. The Police should never have been put in that position in the first place. People were left to protect themselves. Eventually those taking part in the riots and looting decided that they could do anything they wanted, steal, burning property, attacking police and members of the public.

It sad that those taking part were so poorly educated that they thought it was ok to target small business' as well large business. Thinking cause someone gets up in the morning to keep their small grocery shop open makes them rich shows their ignorance. Alot of the rioters have watched generations of their families not working and do not understand the social responsibility that comes from getting up in the morning and paying tax.

Many of the looters were caught red handed but still pleaded NOT GUILTY. They fundamentally do not understand that there is anything wrong in what they did. They therefore do not see the point of rules in society or understand the result of not having any rules.

It has been suggested that many people living in social housing may be evicted if found guilty of crimes during the riot. I do wonder what they will do in response to this. Most likely turn into bigger criminals. Maybe it will take something so drastic for society to change.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

I literally havent made anything in months. Its been work work work. I have actually take pics but due to confidentiality reasons I cant post them til the latest show has gone out....thus is life. Each month has felt like a year were I feel like I have filled every hour when not asleep its been mental even for my normal working standards. I thought Essex was the toughest job in town. It seems others can be just as tough.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Friday, 11 February 2011


I have finally got a darkroom........ years of mutting about it. I now have both a colour and black and white enlarger. I have all the other bits and bobs as well. All I need is the chemicals. I work right next door to jessops errrr see you later digital!

Monday, 10 January 2011

New Year Rev

This year I plan to take more pictures, thats it nothing about my behaviour just that.

JAN 2011 -first make

Yeah so I made this cake, all the way through making it I had my dad insulting my abilities to bake. This is a man who has never baked a cake in his life. 'you havent mixed it properly' 'how many eggs did you use'. Well it had cinnamon, almond and smarties. The smarties caused him most offence. We I hate one piece gave a piece to my sibilings, one to him and one to my dads friend who was around. As I handed my dads friend his piece he actually said 'You're taking your life into your hands there'. How bloody rude. Anyway there was a piece left that I was going to give to my friend. Only when I came down to the kitchen the next day that piece was gone! Yeah mr negative came back from seconds without even asking.