You might just be able to make out that this is a light blue gingham. It was meant to be a copy of a black and cherry print dress with I loved but wouldnt fit because of my boobs. As time went on I had to change this as it started to resemble a completely different dress in face it beared no relation.
Well this annoying stupid thing took but the majority of my sunday afternoon. I could have been watching the antiques roadshow and learnt about priceless pottery. But oh no....
I got so tired towards the end that I pinned the skirt to the wrong side of the back. I took this as a sign to stop. That and spanish football was on and the shouting in a fake spanish accent by my dad was putting me off. I think he wanted to get rid of me as he couldnt cope with the buzzing of the motor any more. That machine is bloody load.
Needless to say its still not finished. I havent done the sleeves. The collar needs doing, it needs to be heamed. And because of the alignment of my stiching I have to add a strip down the middle.
I also because I have big boobs need to show them off more so I need to show more cleavage.