Saturday, 7 April 2012

Miss Laura Made Me This

I pity the Fool

Look at this MAN and I stress the word man, he was in his LATE 30s. Sonic he can really move (this man couldnt) sonic he has an attitude.....

Skirt that I made

Here is one I made earlier. I made this when I was off but didnt manage to upload it.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Dressy Hair

I have actually started to make things with my time off woop woop. Yes its gonna be sooo hard to go back to work but as for now im loving it. Always a fan of cherry prints on anything... more to come


Most of my pics are on my Camera and my card reader is broken! The following is from my phone. So obviously there is the 4 beds in my first hotel room, me with scousebrows and picture of raggas a Jamaican restuarant I was taken to!